RECENT ARTICLES & POSTS Horror-Punks Review of The Plague: Writers & Director's Cut - Charlie J.J. Kruger. Charlie J.J. Kruger sits down with Hal Masonberg, the director/co-writer of 'The Plague: Writers & Director's Cut'.

Blow Up: Pensiero Stupendo - Pier Maria Bocchi (in Italian. PDF). English translation HERE.

The Hal Blog : Why Fight For A Director’s Cut Of A Low-Budget Horror Flick? - Hal Masonberg

Ecranlarge: Le Fléau Selon... Selon qui, au juste ? - Tonton BDM (automated Google English Translation HERE).

DVD Beaver: The Plague: Writers & Director's Cut - Eric Cotenas

MovieMoses's Blog - The Plague (Hal Masonberg) 2007

THE FILM REEL: Special Assignment – The Plague: The Writers and Director’s Cut - Will (hagiblog).

MLK-KAEF Enterprises: Michael L. King's four-part video review of THE PLAGUE: WRITERS & DIRECTOR'S CUT: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

MLKMLK-KAEF Enterprises: Michael L. King's 8 part video interview with Writer/Director Hal Masonberg: Michael King's Intro; Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7 .

DEADPIT FORUM: Hal Masonberg Interview - Director of "The Plague". - rambofan

THE HAL BLOG: The Art of Film Editing & The Plague of Ego - a side by side comparison of two cuts - Hal Masonberg

MLK-KAEF Enterprises: Michael L. King's three-part video review of CLIVE BARKER'S THE PLAGUE and its back story: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

ROGUE CINEMA: An Interview with Hal Masonberg - Herbert M. Brindl

BUZZINE: A 'Plague' Worth Spreading - Drew McAnany (PDF)

CINEMATICAL: How Sony Sank 'The Plague' - Scott Weinberg

ERASING CLOUDS: Cinematic Pleasures: Clive Barker's The Plague - J.D. LaFrance

HORROR'S NOT DEAD: Sony Screen Gems Owes Hal Masonberg An Apology - Peter Hall

MANIA.COM: Masonberg PLAGUES Sony Screen Gems - Jarrod Sarafin

SPREADING THE PLAGUE: Spreading The Plague: The Perfect Hollywood Ending - Hal Masonberg

FILM ARCADE: The Independent Film Corner: Hal Masonberg interview - Anthony Thurber

HORRUER.COM: Peste Soit Du Studio's Cut! - Colin Vettier (in French - PDF)










































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